Experience Yoga Nidra
03/03/19 02:00 - 03:30 PM
$20 advance
$24 day of
Om Shala (Original Location)
858 10th St Arcata, California
Facebook Event
Yoga Nidra is a lying down guided meditative process where the practitioner engages with the power of rest. Yoga Nidra cultivates many things including: ease of being, radical contentment, and knowledge of self. This exploration of Yoga Nidra will include two different practices, insights regarding yogic philosophy, and scientific understandings to support the practice. There will be time for integration, questions, and possibilities for participants to influence the practices.
Our natural state is Open, Spacious, Grounded, Free, and Radiantly Healthy. The hectic over-stimulation of our high-speed modern society has led to most people totally forgetting this natural effortless way of being. The demands and values of our society at large lead to us modern humans filling out schedules, forgoing rest, and using stimulants constantly. There exists and all to present ideology that four our lives to have value we must produce and “do things”. This is seen in the absurd political rhetoric that the ideal society/economy has a 100% employment rate.
We now know stress is killing us. If you choose to let the demands and values of old to run your whole life never stopping to disconnect from external stimulation jumping from one coping strategy to the next you choose disease and perpetual suffering. But if you choose to practice rest and relaxation you open the door to the possibility of reclaiming your natural state.
Practically Yoga Nidra turns resting into and important spiritual practice. In our scarcity driven capitalist society to practice resting is a radical act. In Yoga Nidra you practice lying still. You practice welcoming reality as it is. The welcoming changes everything – fundamentally. The welcoming brings space. Spaciousness is a Grand Gift of Yoga Nidra. Rest, stillness, and space are the natural balance, the natural cure for our stressful world. Yoga Nidra is the break you always needed. It is a gift. It is a blessing. It can become and abiding Joy.