Yogi Jeffrey Balinsky
Ongoing Collaborations with Shemaia Skywater
Sonic Dream Yoga Nidra.
For the last 3 months I have been deepening into my collaborations with local yoga and sound legend Shemaia Skywater. We have been hosting and developing a 2hr event format that begins with Yoga Nidra and flows into a Soundbath. It has been very successful so far and we both continue to be very inspired by this scenario. We have also begun co-facilitating private Nidra + Sound sessions as well.
The next two events will be held This Saturday July 30th and August 27th 7-9pm at Om Shala Yoga on South Gst in Arcata. Asking price is $40 and space is limited to 15 or so participants. Contact me to register and/or arrange an appropriate price for you.
Weekly Classes
My 2 weekly classes have continued through the summer. The Saturday morning Hatha/Nidra class has developed a diverse cast of regulars who have been very supportive, especially of the Nidra practices I have been sharing.
I recently added a recording from this class to the Nidra archive
. The Monday evening class is cherished by me and a small group of dedicated students. I continue to offer first class free for any class you haven't been to and a flexible pricing strategy for anyone. https://www.yogijeffrey.info/first-class-free
Always feel free to email me if you have any questions, I love you all,
Yogi Jeffrey
Weekly Classes
Yogi Jeffrey Balinsky | Arcata, California, Planet Earth
Questions? Email
Call Jeffrey 707-832-9379
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