Archive Nidra
Welcoming Feeling Wondering
12/02/19 11:00 AM (30 minutes)
Live @ Om Shala (Original Location)
This is a standout Nidra recording for several reasons. I chose to highlight 3 major tools of Nidra making it very accessible while also asking the deeper questions Nidra can illuminate. It very much shows synthesis and development in my presentation of the Nidra practice. This is Total Yoga Nidra to the core and draws from all of my usual inspirations: Neuro Linguistic Programming, Non-dual Shiva Tantra, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Richard Miller, Contact Improvisation, and Mother Earth Herself.
This is the first archived recording from the Yoga Nidra Lab - a Monday 11 a.m. weekly class that I began September 2019. I was not able to get a clean recordings in the space using my portable recorder so I bought a lapel microphone and this was its first ever field test. As a result this recording has improved audio quality and represents a new era in my quest to share the Nidra practice. In the Nidra Lab I have began a deeper utilization of sound and this recording features some use of singing bowls.
Settling (Unique Sankalpa) > Rotation (Modified Himalayan) > Heart Breath > Archetypal Spot Evocations (Unique - Early Winter, Powerful) > Essential Qualities of Being(With NLP future pacing) > Simply Being > Externalization.